Image from the Twitter account of @DotJenna showing her flashing a peace sign outside a broken Capitol building window.
From the Twitter account of real estate broker Jenna Ryan aka @DotJenna via TinEye image search. An accompanying tweet read: “Window at The capital. And if the news doesn’t stop lying about us we’re going to come after their studios next.”

The Awful Symbolism of the Assault on Our Capitol

Among the many ugly symbols on display in the attack on the U.S. Capitol, the event itself stands as the most offensive symbol of all


The attack on the United States Capitol by insurrectionist Trump supporters was awful for a litany of reasons, but it’s symbolism of the event itself that…



Robert Stribley

Writer. Photographer. UXer. Creative Director. Interests: immigration, privacy, human rights, design. UX: Technique. Teach: SVA. Aussie/American. He/him.